2009 Retail Season Half-time: Black Friday '09

Black Friday ’09 has come and gone and the experts are already making prognostications about the rest of the ’09 Holiday Season and the health of the Retail Sector. Talk about opinions being divided- on Yahoo! Finance itself there were two articles posted a day apart taking opposing views- “Early indicators of Black Friday sales promising” and “Black Friday: D-Day for ‘Deals’ and a ‘Dismal’ Economy”. I think both perspectives hold some water. The average American consumer has seen some benefit from economic pressures easing off over the last few months and have had some of their purchasing power replenished. They do not have enough to splurge across the board this Holiday season, so we will probably see them making a lot of trade-offs-  a family vacation or new clothes for the family or that big flat screen TV we’ve been thinking off. Seeing the mad rush at Wal-Mart and at BestBuy, I think Retailing analyst Kristin Bentz (The Talented Blonde blog) is right, the two themes top of mind for the American consumer this Holiday season will be Value and Technology- retailers across all sectors that will get the perfect balance of value vs. profitability will come on top, and technology retail in general seems to be poised to do better than the rest- if the average consumer is going to splurge he or she wants to do it on something longer lasting like a computer or a new TV.

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